Sunday 19 May 2024

NMEA 2000 and Electronics

This network was installed May 2024. The more or less accurate drawing was done in Maretron's N2K builder. Very cool!

June 9, 2024

The Zeus3 7" will go above the companionway in the now-vacant instrument housing, where there is just enough space to install it.   Probably a good thing as it's typically my favourite seat.  Made the replacement instrument panel, thinner than the original.  (It’s what the supplier had in stock.).  This will house the Zeus3 7” MFD.  It should just fit.  

This small pod will be retained for a possible autopilot controller, or?


Jan 2024 post

Have purchased a DST810 sensor, WS230 wireless wind, and second Zeus3 display for the helm. (all N2K)    This will replace the existing autopilot controller as well as provide full info display at the helm.   (Later:  didn’t fit at the helm, and I didn’t like adding the massive pod required.  It’ll go over the companionway.  Probably didn’t need it but it does provide a good instrument display and autopilot control.  )

Now all that is needed is to resolve the autopilot and troubleshoot the radar.  Radar:

may need an adaptor to eliminate the junction box - 000-0127-56

Nov 2024 Post

Sakura has some relatively current electronics (gps, radar, chartplotter/mfd, sonar, ais, vhf, satphone) but also retains the original Raytheon autopilot, depth/speed/wind instruments.   Wind data is currently not displaying, I would assume the sensor is malfunctioning.   The older instruments are otherwise functional but do not fully integrate with the new.   The autopilot technology in particular has improved significantly and is therefore on the upgrade list.

New(ish) - 

  • Raymarine Ray53 VHF
  • B&G zeus broadband 4G Radar
  • B&G zeus3-9 worldmap MFD
  • B&G NAIS-500 class b AIS transceiver
  • B&G GPS-500 GPS antenna

Old - to upgrade
  • Raytheon autopilot 
  • ST60 Depth, speed, wind


  1. Thanks again for putting in the effort to share this. Did you replace the autopilot actuator? If so, with what and was the install relatively straight forward? My Simrad a/p is on its last legs, and I researching its likely replacement.

  2. I did not replace the hydraulic drive and cylinder, but I did replace the aged Raytheon "brain" with the B&G NAC-3. Apparently the NAC-2 is not able to provide enough current. The more sophisticated racing oriented systems are more complex that I need or want to deal with. The Rudder position sensor must also be replaced as it works on a different electrical principle, however it shares the form factor of older Raymarine (and I assume other) units, so the installation should be straightforward.


Fitted Cutting boards

Will laminate a 36"X15"maple blank to create a  two cutting boards in the galley:    a  drop-in cutting board for the larger sink ...

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