Wednesday 12 July 2023



Under construction

Under construction...

Need to determine the best way to stow the following:

Binocs, hand bearing compass, horn, hh VHF, pfds

Ready access tools/quick access/emergency tools

Tools - occasional/repair tools



plumbing/electrical   (organizer)

hardware/rig  (organizer)

fasteners and small parts   (organizer)

emergency/ditch gear/flares

First Aid supplies

fishing rods and gear   ?


Water tight Cases etc - I have Nanuk 909, 3 pelican cases. 

Have 910 first aid Worked well in windstar.  Would these be best for ditch/emergency?  I think so.

There are several soft toolbags on Sakura that work well enough for tools, though not spares.  

Milwaukee cases/organizers are pretty good for larger stuff.  Maybe too bulky.

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Fitted Cutting boards

Will laminate a 36"X15"maple blank to create a  two cutting boards in the galley:    a  drop-in cutting board for the larger sink ...

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