Sunday 25 June 2023

WindPilot Pacific

Thank you Peter!

In addition to the Windpilot's reputation for performance and reliability I can comment very favourably on the responsiveness of the company's owner, Peter Foerthmann.  I reached out to him asking about vane dimensions, (to make a couple of spares)  and any areas of wear or concern that I should be aware of, thinking that a 20-year old unit would require some service.   He responded immediately with a .pdf copy of the manual, offers of help, and a request for photos of the unit to date it.  These I sent, and he  promptly determined that it is a current model.  He then asked about the prior owners so he could determine exactly when it was installed.   I provided this information, and again, a prompt response back  confirmed the unit was purchased in 2019!  He even sent photos of my unit installed and rigged on my boat.  His comment on spare vanes:

Spare vane: the majority of sailors finishing their worldwide cruising / circumnavigations with one and the same vane …
like Golden Globe finisher 2018 Tapio Lehtinen: 322 days at sea with one and the same vane

His closing email was the cartoon above.    Thank you Peter!

Images from Peter, as rigged

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Fitted Cutting boards

Will laminate a 36"X15"maple blank to create a  two cutting boards in the galley:    a  drop-in cutting board for the larger sink ...

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