Wednesday 14 June 2023

Galley Fridge inspection & operation

 June 2023

I jury rigged the 'fridge to use one of the water tanks as a cooling water source and it seems to work.   

I note that it drains into the bilge, I will need to add a cactchment bottle.

May 2023

Sakura is equipped with her original ISOtherm seawater cooled holding plate fridge.   This was noted on the survey as follows:

In my initial January inspection I had noticed that the fridge did create coolness/remove heat.  I did not have time to explore further.   Later, reading the manual, I noted that the system is seawater cooled.     So, the survey may simply be describing the behaviour of the system in the absense of seawater cooling.  In May I did use the fridge, short cycling as described, to keep some food cool while I was working.

The manual also details the need for a freezer partition (not found aboard) in order to effectively regulate the the interior temperature.  (freezing vs not)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, we had the same fridge on our 435 and spent many hours repairing it. At the end it was just lost time because it cooled not good enough. (I think not enough gas inside any more) we just replaced it with a new drawer fridge now. Think maybe about a new fridge!


Fitted Cutting boards

Will laminate a 36"X15"maple blank to create a  two cutting boards in the galley:    a  drop-in cutting board for the larger sink ...

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