Saturday 18 March 2023

Refit : Rudder and centreboard Parts and materials

 Parts ready to go!   Thanks to Thierry, Julie and the team at Alubat for going above and beyond.

Original post

After 20 years in use, the ertacetyl bushings and aluminmum  posts required replacement.

Rudder parts are pictured here, and are explained in English in the table below. 


Not sure yet which lubricants, compounds or sealants shoulld be used upon reassembly.


Ertacetyl is the mitsubishi trade name for acetyl plastic, one variant of which, homopolymer acetyl, is sold as Delrin. Here's an explanation:

(This material also appears in Hydroem’s cylinders, in that case the copolymer version.) 

Unfortunately, the grade of aluminum is not specified in the drawing.  Here's an explanation of the various alloys:

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Fitted Cutting boards

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